Whistling in the Dark
He always knew there was something out there. He could see it just by looking around him. After all it wasn’t his eyes that were veiled, but his heart.
He always knew there was something out there. He could see it just by looking around him. After all it wasn’t his eyes that were veiled, but his heart.
God loves human nature. He declared it “very good” long ago, He assumed it 2000 years ago, and He indwells it now. The “image of the invisible God” was and is a living, breathing human being.
The purpose of this message is threefold. One, I want nothing more than for my precious Lord and savior to be glorified. I pray that He has been. Two, I so desperately want the legacy of my beautiful sister to be one of lasting effect. And three, this message is an invitation: an invitation to join my sister in her celebration of joy and strength.
Isn’t it by giving us equal beauty that we would see Him as more beautiful? Isn’t it by giving us equal dignity that we would see Him as more dignified? Isn’t it by bestowing on us equal value that we would see Him as more valuable?
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