America is Not Our Priority, the Kingdom of God Is
I’m convinced that the second greatest threat to the witness of Christians in the West, particularly America, is the seemingly idolatrous fascination we have with American exceptionalism.
I’m convinced that the second greatest threat to the witness of Christians in the West, particularly America, is the seemingly idolatrous fascination we have with American exceptionalism.
Love doesn’t think of its own, it doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, and it doesn’t pile a heap of expectations upon the recipient. But what love does do is require sacrifice from the giver. Baked into the act of love is pain.
I’m often caught off guard by the grace of God, much like a man who finds a treasure buried in the middle of nowhere, in the place he least expects it to be.
Today we can choose to serve God with full hearts, no matter how we feel. And if your motivation isn’t correctly aligned, then what a relief it is to know the One who is in the business of changing hearts.
When words don’t seem enough, my fear cannot be spoken, I can only try and show it.
We must not condone violence of any kind, we must not condone racism or injustice of any kind, but we must also not condone cold and unsympathetic hearts as we try and navigate this moment. We must repent, and do the hard work of sympathizing with the other.
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