Church the Way it Was Meant to Be
You who stumble and crawl are as crucial to the Body as those who run with grace and ease. Not because of what you have to offer, but because of Whose Body you are part of.
You who stumble and crawl are as crucial to the Body as those who run with grace and ease. Not because of what you have to offer, but because of Whose Body you are part of.
The first chapter of the book of Ephesians can serve as a helpful balance to how we ought to think and speak of ourselves.
The only barrier that should exist between the world and Christ is sin, and therefore the only weight we should put on people is the weight of a cross. Everything else needs to just die.
The church is made up of all true believers for all time and has a threefold ministry: to worship God, nurture each other, and evangelize the world. This is a discussion of how each of these ministries are carried out by the church.
There are a few commitments that I want to make to you and I thought that by putting them in writing and broadcasting them to the world it would help me stay accountable to them.
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