They Beheld God, and Ate and Drank

God loves human nature. He declared it “very good” long ago, He assumed it 2000 years ago, and He indwells it now. The “image of the invisible God” was and is a living, breathing human being.

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A Worthy King

Isn’t it by giving us equal beauty that we would see Him as more beautiful? Isn’t it by giving us equal dignity that we would see Him as more dignified? Isn’t it by bestowing on us equal value that we would see Him as more valuable?

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…But Christ Will Shine Brighter Still

There’s something amazing here. Particularly, it’s a glory that is so magnificent that it makes all of the sufferings of these present times seem trivial when set side-by-side. And the shocking thing is that I am not at all minimizing the suffering that’s going on in the world. Things really are as horrible as they seem and probably even more so than we realize, but just as horrible as things are now, the weight of glory awaiting us will be a million times heavier.

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