I’m kris, And I have no idea what i'm doing.

I was born and raised on a farm in the pineywoods of Deep East Texas. Against all odds, I became a Christian at 19 years old in October 2009. In 2012, I totally duped Hayley into marrying me and we then spent three years in Memphis, TN attending Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary working on a degree that I have yet to finish. For some strange reason, God thought that a man-child needed some girls to try and keep alive, so he gave us two, Lyla Rose and Clara Lane. We spent one year in Lubbock, TX where I faked my way through managing a business in the oil and gas industry and then in the summer of 2016, with such a stellar track record of academic and entrepreneurial success, I somehow managed to convince a church to pay me to play music and teach the Bible. I now reside in New Lebanon, OH where I serve at the First Baptist Church of New Lebanon as an Elder and as their Pastor of Worship and Discipleship. I’m still confused as to how I got here. Grace.
I’m currently a student at Spurgeon College where I hope to one day finish this degree I began in 2012. I love reading, playing music, and anything and everything made by Apple. What you’ll find here on this little corner of the web I’ve carved out are mainly my thoughts pertaining to the Bible and Christianity. I have a particular interest in the intersection of faith and social psychology, and I’m absolutely fascinated with the transcendentals of truth, beauty, and goodness. As you can tell, I try way too hard to sound intellectual and like I have some kind of grasp on the workings of the world, but the truth is that I’m just bumbling my way through life like Forrest Gump, miraculously finding myself in the most amazing of situations. Each day I find myself rediscovering the wonder of the world I’ve found myself in. I say it all the time, but it’s true, this fool is living the dream.