“…with you…”
Right now, at this moment, the exalted, glorified Christ, who has the entire universe at His disposal, is choosing to deprive Himself of a pleasure that He has every right to…”for you.”
Right now, at this moment, the exalted, glorified Christ, who has the entire universe at His disposal, is choosing to deprive Himself of a pleasure that He has every right to…”for you.”
The end of history as we know it will coincide with the end of all evil as we know it. And after the end, a new beginning—a new history—will begin.
You who stumble and crawl are as crucial to the Body as those who run with grace and ease. Not because of what you have to offer, but because of Whose Body you are part of.
And to me, with my face in His hands, His thumbs wiping away my tears; to me, who is neither good nor faithful, He will say, “Well done My good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”
Most of the time, we tend to focus on the divine nature of Jesus—the majority of our attention is given to the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. But understanding the full humanity of Jesus helps us understand and relate to Jesus in ways that understanding His divinity cannot.
With God are wisdom and might, so walk in that truth today with the confidence that God knows what’s best for you and is actively working to bring it about, even now.
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